DEAD MEN DON’T TALK: ‘X-Project’, UFO File Assassins Documentary

Source – DARK JOURNALIST X-PROTECT: UFO FILE ASSASSINS DOCUMENTARY Special Breakthrough Documentary with Stunning Details You’ve Never Heard Before Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt debuts his new breakthrough documentary that uncovers startling information about an unknown group of Aerospace agents that have manipulated the crucial geopolitical events of the last 70 years to protect the…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: ‘Lies, Damn Lies, & UFOs’, Deciphering The Truth Hidden Amid Decades Of Propaganda

Source – Lies, Damn Lies, and UFOs: Deciphering the Truth Hidden Amid Decades of Propaganda Authored by J.B. Shurk Has the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe finally been answered? In what appears to be a well-coordinated disclosure campaign, several knowledgeable “insiders” have recently made public statements claiming that “ET” is…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Solved’, The Mystery Of UFOs/UAPs – By Charles Hugh Smith

Source – The Mystery of UFOs/UAPs: Solved By Charles Hugh Smith Imagine the immensity of their disappointment in discovering Earth offers few opportunities for trade or investment. New research has finally solved the mystery of why UFOs/UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) have been visiting Earth since the late 1940s. The revelations are even more shocking than…

STRANGE DAZE: …Of Asteroids, & The Pentagram’s Motherships (…& Banking) – By Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D

Source – OF ASTEROIDS, AND THE PENTAGRAM’S MOTHERSHIPS (AND BANKING) By Joseph P. Farrell Sometimes when reading the articles people send me, I just cannot resist the impulse to draw connections between them, even though there’s nothing in the articles themselves to indicate any connection. But connections there are, in this instance. You might recall…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: ‘Close Encounters’, UFOs & National Security – By Dom Armentano

Source – UFOs and National Security – By Dom Armentano The recent long-awaited release ( Jan. 16th) of the 2022 “Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)” by the  Office of the Director of National Intelligence has disappointed both skeptics and supporters alike. Skeptics would prefer to see almost all UAP dismissed as misidentified…

SOURCE ENERGY: ‘Apollo & Anti-Gravity’, The Secrets Behind The Real Moon Landings (Archive)

Source – “…It was called “Dornbergers Gadget” This early type of magnetic buoyancy system works in the vacuum of outer space by displacing the magnetic field lines producing magnetic buoyancy or an anti-gravity effect. Back then it was called a weight loss system because it only could cancel 5/6ths of the LIM’s weight. That…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, “EYES ONLY’: ‘Solar Warden’, The US Top Secret Space Program (Archive)

Source  –  – “…The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information?…Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a…

STRANGE DAZE: ‘The Mysterious Man From Taured’, Evidence For A Parallel Universe?

Source – The Mysterious Man from Taured – Evidence for a Parallel Universe The Man from Taured, sometimes referred to as the Taured Mystery or the Man without a Country, is an urban legend about a man who arrives at a Japanese airport from an unheard of country called Taured. Some have explained the story as proof of…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: ‘We Have Met The Enemy & It Is Us’, Deep Dive With Dr. Steven Greer (Archive)

Source – – “…To quote Pogo; “we have met the enemy and it is us”. The true enemy is the governments who withhold information and crash UFO’s to capture the occupants and to steal the technology for profit and military advantage” SM:…Dr. Steve Greer is an articulate & courageous spokesman seeking official government ‘disclosure’…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Martian Moons’, The Fear & Loathing Of Mars – By Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D

Source – THE FEAR AND LOATHING OF MARS By Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D This article was spotted and shared by our friend B.G., and it’s an interesting topic on an interesting subject: the fear and loathing of Mars. I’m not talking about the attitudes towards Mars, however, but of its two little moons, Phobos (Fear),…

ABOVE TOP SECRET “EYES ONLY”: Why Society Needs Conspiracy Theories & Conspiracy Theorists (Part 2) – By Dan Fournier

Source – Why society needs Conspiracy Theories & Conspiracy Theorists by Dan Fournier Wernher von Braun walking along the lunar surface on an Apollo set replica during the Atlanta Southeastern Fair, September 5, 1969, credited to United Press International (UPI), image source Introduction How did the term come about & become a tool for defamation? A…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Skunk Works’, The Connection Between Aurora & Black Triangles – By Jeff Smith (Archive)

Source – The Connection between Aurora and Black Triangles … by  Jeff Smith [ Editor’s note:  Based on the import of the material and new readers coming on of late, this is something from a few weeks ago that could use a revisit.  From time to time over the past few months, we have delved…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Techno-Signature’, Prepping The ET Narrative – By Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D

Source – PREPPING THE ET NARRATIVE Over the years I’ve been writing books, doing interviews, and blogging on this site, I occasionally have had to deal with the subject of extra-terrestrials and UFOs. And during that time, I’ve noticed something, and perhaps you have too. But first – and one more time for the…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: What Do UFOs, Laurence Rockefeller & MK Ultra Have In Common? More Than You Think – By Matthew Ehret

Source – What do UFOs, Laurence Rockefeller and MK Ultra Have in Common? More than you think By Matthew Ehret What would you do if the American and British governments both revealed that their secret UFO programs would declassify material from each nations’ respective National Archives? What if you found out that leading politicians…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘The Divine Cagliostro’, Cabalistic Masonry or Masonry Spiritism

Source – Cabalistic Masonry or Masonry Spiritism – By Monsignor George F. Dillon From the very beginning Freemasonry has had a kind of peculiar dark mysticism connected with it. By Jonas E. Alexis, Assistant Editor JEA: The following essay is extracted from the book Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power Behind Communism.…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: JFK, Ernest Hemingway & The X-Enigma

Source – JFK, ERNEST HEMINGWAY & The X-ENIGMA Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt presents the groundbreaking X-SERIES that follows the X Steganography through the History of Political and Covert Esoteric Groups coordinating in a Stealth Program the Secret Work of the Mystery Schools X-Technology and Apotheum Reality Distortion. JFK Ernest Hemingway X-Connection Dark Journalist reveals…

SECRET SPACE: Dr. Joseph P. Farrell – Paperclip Nazis & The Cosmic Cartel

Source – “…One of the major figures that he cleared was top Nazi legal theorist and prisoner of war Dr. Walter Hallstein who was eventually responsible for helping to set up CERN and who was also a key architect for developing the the Nazi plan for a European Federation that was eventually adopted as…

FEAR FACTOR: ‘Last Card’, The Cosmic Hoax – By Dr. Steven Greer (Archive)

Source – “…In this urgent and groundbreaking film, Dr. Greer exposes the lies pushed by the National Security State, war profiteers and the corporate media, and shows us how we can avoid a conflict far worse than the Iraq war. For the first time ever and exclusively for this film, senior Russian military, government…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘Resonance Theory’, Red Shift, Big Bang & The James Webb Telescope – By Scott Foster

Source – “…According to Resonance Theory…the explanation for these observations was that the stars are indeed in the same grouping, but since we know empty space is not empty at all, but has pronounced and definable physical characteristics (permittivity, permeability, mass), the variance in red shifts per star is caused instead by different densities…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: The Man Who “Hacked” NASA & The AFSPC Gives A New Interview Describing What He Found (Archive)

Source – – “…Gary Mckinnon was able to access these computers in real time and view files on them. He found some startling pictures, one in particular was of a large cylindrical shaped UFO hovering in space, in addition to a strange spreadsheet document with a list of “non-terrestrial officers,” presumably belonging to a…

STRANGE DAYS: ‘Phantom Menace’, …That Black Cube Thing Near The Sun – By Joesph P Farrell Ph.D

Source – “…Mysterious black cube spotted on the sun before NASA website shuts down…if you think your civilization might be facing a threat from a class one or two civilization, and your own civilization is not quite there with even class one, what do you do? My answer: you convince “whomever” that your civilization…

SOURCE ENERGY: ‘Life Force’, How The World Economic Forum Plans To Kill It Once & For All – By Jack Heart

Source – “…If you do not understand by now that the moon landings were a Hollywood production, and nobody has ever went anywhere in a rocket except maybe into the ocean you really should get your booster shot. That is why Russia has just given notice that it will be leaving the Intenational Space Station.…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: US House Committee On Intelligence – UAP (UFO) Hearings

Source – “…US govt culture is changing in that people may now report sightings and encounters without fear or ridicule…Navy and Airforce now have protocol for reporting UAP. We are sharing data with allies…China has set up its own UFO investigative arm” Summary On the US House Committee on Intelligence Hearing on UAP (UFOs) After…

STRANGE DAYS: ‘Doors Of Perception’, Another Mars Anomaly & It’s A Whooper…. – By Joseph P Farrell Ph.D

Source – “…In the days to come, the Mars anomalies community will pour over the data, do measurements, and so on…But in the meantime, assuming this to be genuine, it definitely appears that were looking at a lot of “strange somethings”, and they’re not natural. And if they’re not natural, then someone made them.…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Wealthy Nations Carving Up Space & Its Riches

Source – ‘… Wealthy nations carving up space and its riches Earthly norms for exploiting outer space resources are being established and predictably favor the rich over the poor by Theodora Ogden Satellites help run the internet and television and are central to the Global Positioning System. They enable modern weather forecasting, help scientists…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: ‘Rocketman’, Wernher von Braun’s Deathbed Warning (Archive)

Source – – “…Wernher reportedly admitted late in life that humans have possessed anti-gravity / beam-energy technology since WWII…Von Braun also pointed out in the 70’s that fossil fuels had been obsolete for decades, as humanity could now easily convert to a long-supressed, free-energy technology at any time” Wernher von Braun’s Deathbed Warning Dr.…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Convergent Evolution’, ‘Humans’ May Be All Over The Universe, Scientists Say

Source – “…Simon Conway Morris, an evolutionary palaeobiologist at the university’s Department of Earth Sciences, in which he stated that researchers can “say with reasonable confidence” that human-like evolution has occurred in other parts of the universe…convergent evolution theory asserts that evolution is a natural law that operates similarly on all planets. In other words, the…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘Top Of The Pyramid’, The Trinity Of Globalist Control (Archive)

Source – “…This other Crown is comprised of a committee of 12 banks headed by the Bank of England (House of Rothschild). They rule the world from the 677-acre, independent sovereign state know as The City of London, or simply ‘The City.’ The City is not a part of England, just as Washington D.C.,…

SECRET SPACE: Cislunar Highway Patrol System & Lunar Infrastructure – By Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D

Source – ‘…What intrigues me here are the subtle implications that this  description of the “Cislunar Highway Patrol System” leaves entirely open the possibility that it is designed to look for “spacecraft currently operating  near the Moon” and that it will search for “unknown objects”. Put both of those together and what I suspect…

CROSSROADS: Dr. Steven Greer – Towards A Level 1 Or DEFCON 1 Civilization

Source – “…As Dr. Greer puts it, matters of diplomacy with higher beings cannot be left to the military industrial complex. Rather, the world should unite around a nonviolent vision for the future focused on becoming a peaceful civilization. To usher in the delta of change we will need to implement free energy and…