HIDDEN HISTORY: The Anarchist Assassination of U.S. President William McKinley & Its Links to the Murder of Tsar Alexander II – By Martin Sieff

Source – strategic-culture.org – “…In 1901, there was a political coup d’etat in the United States that transformed the world and nobody noticed. A beloved and twice-elected nationalist president was assassinated and replaced by a passionate supporter of the British Empire and America was on its disastrous path to empire in Asia and war in Europe. The…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Why Russia Saved the United States, The Forgotten History of a Brotherhood

Source – canadianpatriot.org – “…The story follows the rise of Alexander von Humboldt who unleashed an incredible movement in America, Germany and beyond which drove a process of progress that has been all but written out of history and nearly gave rise to a world paradigm of win-win cooperation with an international array of rail…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: ‘Forgotten History’, US Bankers Financing US Enemies & Why It Is Important Now – By Jon Rappoport (Archive)

Source – geopolitics.co – “…After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel’s huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [by Russia]. (O’Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)”…“In 1927, Standard Oil of New York [Rockefeller] built…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Evolution’s Death By A Thousand Cuts’, Genetic Study Reveals 90% Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time (Archive)

Source – gizadeathstar.com – “…Scientists would have to be able to look at all that massive mountain of data to see if, perhaps (that word again) there may be evidence of some “deliberate genetic tinkering” in the distant past, or if, like Oannes the Octopus, there may be indications of a “seeding” from some place…

REALPOLITIK: ‘Spain’s Folly’, Statues of Limitations 

Source – ericmargolis.com – “…Exhuming Franco’s body and rekindling all the Civil War bitterness and hatred was a very big mistake. The majority of Spaniards today were not even alive during the civil war. The conflict should have been consigned to the history books. As Americans are finding, demonizing statues of civil war generals only…

HIGH CRIMES: Did Bankers Foment The “Civil War”? – By Paul Craig Roberts

Source – paulcraigroberts.org – “…Now comes defense attorney and former public prosecuter John Remington Graham.  Was there a deeper underlying cause, an agenda unbeknown to the southern states and perhaps also to Lincoln?  Graham puts forward an intriguing thesis that bankers spent a decade fomenting hatred between North and South in order to provoke a war that…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Lamp In The Dark’, The Untold History of the Bible

Source – knowthelies.com – “…Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation. The Reformers subdued whole kingdoms by preaching the grace of God, and exposing the unbiblical doctrines of Rome. In response, the Vatican would launch a Counter Reformation to destroy the work…

GAIA RISING: The Hancock/Hapgood Earth Crust Displacement Theories – By Steve Krause (Archive)

Source – skrause.org – “…Hancock ends Fingerprints of the Gods with a warning of impending worldwide destruction and a second occurrence of Earth Crust Displacement. Indeed, his arguments are no more novel than those of the Neptunists and Catastrophists in the past. We may remain unconvinced by his theories, but at the same time, we…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Greatest Heist in History’, When France Extorted Haiti

Source – consortiumnews.com – “…The enslaved population rebelled and eventually declared independence. Yet, somehow, in the 19th century, the thinking went that the former enslavers of the Haitian people needed to be compensated, rather than the other way around…Just as the legacy of slavery in the United States has created a gross economic disparity between black…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘The Broken Cross’, The Hidden Hand in the Vatican – By Piers Compton (Archive)

Source – catholicvoice.co.uk – Any revolution, such as the French and the Russian, must come into headlong collision with two institutions – the monarchy and the Church. The former, however deeply it may be rooted in lineage and sacramental rite, can be totally disposed of by a single blow. But a people’s religion, however defective…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Zecharia Sitchin & the End of Days – By Lesley Crossingham (Archive)

Source  – lesleycrossingham.com – “…The belief that we are all headed towards some kind of apocalypse or final battle between good and evil is a widely held view, not only by fundamentalist factions, but by all believers of Western religions. Christianity, Judaism and Islam all have prophecies describing a final judgment and the return, or…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Return of the Elder Race & Opening the Gateway of the Fifth Kingdom

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…In The Secret Doctrine, Helena Blavatsky said that in primeval times the earth had still not densified fully and was therefore larger than at present. All body forms would have been considerably lighter in weight and of a more plastic nature, the skeleton still not having hardened by then; and accordingly…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Jesus Sayings’, The Quest for His Authentic Message – By Rex Weyler (Archive)

Source – thetyee.ca – “…The idea that ‘faith’ in a messiah could land one in heaven came from Paul and later church doctrine writers, not from Jesus…Constantine adopted the messiah religion of Paul, merged it with a Romanized Mithraism borrowed from Persia, and created his state religion which we now call Christianity. Very little of…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Legendary Welsh Dragon that Expelled the Saxons – By Wu Mingren

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…After the serpents had disappeared beneath the water, the boy explained the meaning of this mysterious incident. He told Voltigern and his wise men that the pool symbolized the world, the tent stood for Britain, and the serpents denoted dragons. The red serpent represented the king’s people, whereas the white one…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Churchill’s War’, The Real History of World War II – By Paul Craig Roberts

Source – paulcraigroberts.org – “…Irving’s book Hitler’s War was published in 1977…sold millions of copies, and he was well-to-do. But he fell foul of Zionists, oddly enough because he documented actual atrocities against Jews. The problem was the atrocities he found differed from the official holocaust story. He documented a holocaust of a sort, but…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Fall of the Giants’, Their Fate According to Ancient Texts

Source – ancient-origins.net – “… the Pauite Indians refer to an ancient race of hostile and violent giants known as the Si-Te-Cah. As in the biblical account, the giants oppressed these ancestors who eventually rose up in revolt against them and exterminated them” The Fall of the Giants and Their Fate According to Ancient Texts…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘The Black Nobility’, An Introduction (Part 1) – By Michael Tsarion

Source – femaleilluminati.com – “…Exposing the families of the Black Nobility – despotic, self-serving rulers of many lands and nations – entails first recognizing that they are not Jews or Christians and never have been. They merely pretend to be Protestants and Catholics. Their act is simply a means to an end, a matter of…

ARCHONS, OVERLORDS & MAGICK: John Dee & The Magical Origins of the British Empire – By Glyn Parry

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…As Dee well knew, a long tradition of astrological calculations added to the excited atmosphere surrounding the ‘British Empire’ in the 1570s. A flurry of apocalyptic prophecies had surrounded the election of Charles V as Holy Roman Emperor in 1519, predicting that he would restore unity to Christendom, shattered by the…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Ancient Pagan Origins of Easter – By Joanna Gillan

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…The most widely-practiced customs on Easter Sunday relate to the symbol of the rabbit (‘Easter bunny’) and the egg…a hare was a symbol associated with Eostre, representing the beginning of Springtime. Likewise, the egg has come to represent Spring, fertility and renewal. In Germanic mythology, it is said that Ostara healed…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘Esoteric Islam’, The Masons & the Moors – By Mehmet Sabeheddin

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…A Moorish Sheik returned from a long sojourn in the East, claimed Freemasonry is built on a twisting of the truth of Moorish Science. It is the secret power behind the West based on the Supreme Wisdom derived from esoteric Islam. The European colonisers usurped the knowledge of the Moors and…

MASONIC VISIONS: G.I. Gurdjieff & the Hidden History of the Sufis – By Victoria Lepage (Archive)

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…Full of Christian mysticism yet also permeated with Hermetic-Kabbalistic angelology and alchemical religious philosophy, the Rosicrucian teachings proclaimed that this age of enlightenment, in which religion and science would no longer be antithetical, was at hand. Great advances were to be made and a reformation of the whole wide world would…

GAIA RISING: ‘Suspicious Observer’, Ben Davidson on Pole Shifts, Space Weather, Earth Changes, & The CIA (Flashback)

Source – suspicious0bservers.org – “…The global electric circuit and solar activity into weather models that can predict earthquakes and cyclones with great accuracy“ Ben Davidson on, Pole Shifts, Space Weather, Earth Changes, & The CIA The great Ben Davidson of Suspicious Observers fame joins THC to talk about his work into incorporating the global electric…

ENERGETIC EARTH: Do Megalithic Structures Show An Ancient Energy Grid Around The Earth? (Archive)

Source – ufoinsight.com – “…If you want to find the secrets of the Universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration! – Nicola Tesla” Do Megalithic Structures Show An Ancient Energy Grid Around The Earth? The idea that the Earth has a natural energy, a force that we could collectively tap into and free…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Butcher of Bengal’, Winston Churchill & The Indian Holocaust

Source – greatgameindia.com – “…A new study by Indian and American researchers confirm how Winston Churchill caused the Bengal Famine and starved over 3 million Indians to death. Glorified as the “Saviour of the World” in the west and dubbed the “Butcher of Bengal” by Indians, the streets of eastern Indian cities were lined with…

REALPOLITIK: ‘The Battle of Cajamarca’, The Conquest of the Spanish & the End of the Inca Empire – By Wu Mingren

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…Vicente de Valverde, a friar traveling with the expedition, demanded Atahualpa convert to Catholicism, and to acknowledge the Spanish king as his sovereign…The Sapa Inca replied that he would be “no man’s tributary” and threw the Bible…to the ground. This was the moment the Spanish had been waiting for to spring…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: ‘Antarctica’, Secrets Beneath the Ice – By Linda Moulton Howe

Source – earthfiles.com – “…Linda Moulton Howe providing whistleblower accounts of alien underground structures under two miles of ice in Antarctica and more related to the apparent alien presence on earth…In November 2009, Linda videotaped in Roswell, New Mexico, to provide document research background for a 1940s American policy of denial in the interest of…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Like a Virgin?’, The Secret & Controversial Account of the ‘Virgin’ Mary

Source – ancient-origins.net – “..An ancient Jewish book, presents a very different version of this story…The unknown Jewish writers claim that Miriam was married to a man named John, but met a Roman soldier named Tiberius Panthera. She fell in love and betrayed John with the Roman warrior… Tiberius took the name Josephus and created…