HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Biological Weapons’, A Useful and Timely Factual Overview (Part I) – By Larry Romanoff

Source – globalresearch.ca – “…In a classified 1948 report by the Pentagon’s Committee on Biological Warfare, the main selling point was that: “A gun or a bomb leaves no doubt that a deliberate attack has occurred. But if … an epidemic slashes across a crowded city, there is no way of knowing whether anyone attacked,…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Secret Wars’, An Internal Shifting of Political & Military Chess Pieces in the Shadows

Source – strategic-culture.org – “…Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo was recorded at an unknown conference recently, but judging from the gross laughter of the audience it consists of wannabe CIA agents, where he admits that though West Points’ cadet motto is “You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do.”, his training…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Who Financed Bolshevik Revolution?

Source – greatgameindia.com – “…One of the greatest myths of contemporary history is that the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was a popular uprising of the downtrodden masses against the hated ruling class of the Tsars. However, the planning, the leadership and especially the financing came entirely from outside Russia, mostly from financiers in Germany, Britain…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘It Wasn’t About Slavery’, Exposing the Great Lie of the Civil War – By Carol Duff

Source – veteranstoday.com – “…Only with the evolution of modern historical thought, heavily influenced by the ideas and tactics of Marx and Stalin, did the Civil War become “all about slavery.” Marxist history validates the words of Confederate Major General Patrick Cleburne, who warned his men, “Surrender means that the history of this heroic struggle…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘U.S. Civil War’, The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union – By Webster G. Tarpley (Archive)

Source – voltairenet.org – “…If the British had attacked the United States during the Civil War…There is reason to believe that the US-Russia-Prussia coalition would have prevailed….World War I would have taken place during the 1860s rather than half a century later. Fascism and communism might not have occurred in the form they did. As…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Celts’, Advanced Seafarers or Uncivilized Barbarians?

Source – stuartbramhall.wordpress.com – “…The Celts gives a full inventory of all available archeological, linguistic and genetic evidence, as well as accounts from historical texts and oral myths. The picture Roberts paints is totally at odds with Roman and Greek efforts to portray Celts as uncivilized barbarians” The Celts: Advanced Seafarers or Uncivilized Barbarians? The…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Origin of Species’, Making a Monkey Out of Darwin – By Pat Buchanan

Source – buchanan.org – “…Historian Jacques Barzun believes Darwinism brought on World War I: “Since in every European country between 1870 and 1914 there was a war party demanding armaments, an individualist party demanding ruthless competition, an imperialist party demanding a free hand over backward peoples, a socialist party demanding the conquest of power and…

COVER-UP: Hitler’s War Crimes Vs. Those of Churchill & the Americans – By Paul Craig Roberts

Source – paulcraigroberts.org – “…As time passed, historians gradually acknowledged that some of the most shocking and lurid pieces of evidence used to secure worldwide condemnation of the defendants—the human lampshades and bars of soap, the shrunken heads—were entirely fraudulent…The Soviets were determined to prosecute the Nazis for the Katyn Forest massacre of the captured…

ODESSA: Based on FBI Documents & DNA Analysis, Hitler Escaped to Argentina Where He lived Out His Life Until Old Age

Source – humansarefree.com – “…Historian Abel Basti..book published in Argentina, “Hitler in Exile”…“There was an agreement with the US that Hitler would run away and that he shouldn’t fall into the hands of the Soviet Union,” Basti said. “This also applies to many scientists, the military, and spies who later took part in the struggle…

BANKING CARTEL: It Is the International Bankers Who Rule Us

Source – plata.com.mx – “…Thanks to the elimination of Kings and their royal right to create money, and their substitution with weak, vacillating Democracies around the world, the International Banks wormed their way into actual Sovereignty in the course of the 19th and 20th Centuries. It is the International Banks that rule our world; Democratic…

SECRET SOCIETIES: The Third Secret of Fatima Revelations & the Truth About the Knights Templar – By Katherine Frisk

Source – veteranstoday.com – “…Today the world is held to ransom by the usury (compounding interest) banking system of the Federal Reserve begun by German bankers such as Paul Warburg, who originally came from the Del Banco family in Venice, as well as the IMF, BIS and World Bank which has robbed all nations blind…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Germany Did Not Start World War II – By Paul Craig Roberts

Source – paulcraigroberts.org – “…World War II was a war started by private agendas…three wanted war with Germany: Zionist Jews who saw war as a path to a Jewish state in Palestine, Winston Churchill, who dreamed of repeating the military conquests of his famous ancestor, and Franklin D. Roosevelt who intended to ruin Britian with…

RAINBOW WARRIOR: The Forgotten History of America’s Thanksgiving

Source – ammo.com – “…When the Mayflower pilgrims and the Wampanoag sat down for the first Thanksgiving in 1621, it wasn’t actually that big of a deal. Likely, it was just a routine English harvest celebration. More significant—and less remembered—was the peace treaty that the parties established seven months earlier, which lasted for 50 years”…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Last of the Siberian Unicorns’, What Happened to the Mammoth-Sized One-Horned Beasts of Legend? – By Veronica Parkes

Source – ancient-origins.net – “… In 1866, Vasily Radlov found a legend among the Yakuts of Siberia of a “huge black bull” killed by a single spear. The beast was said to have a single horn so large that it had to be transported by sled….There is no clear reason why the final Siberian unicorns…

HIDDEN HISTORY: General Francisco Franco, Spain’s Post-War Strongman Rises From The Grave

Source – unz.com – “…Orwell and Hemingway, contributed to whitewashing Spain’s ‘republicans’ as noble warriors against fascism and dictatorship…Forgotten or ignored was the vicious struggle in Spain between Stalin’s minions and those of Hitler and Mussolini. The so-called Spanish republicans were largely directed and armed by the Soviet Union which had just killed at least…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Did Giants Exist?’, Where Are the Skeletons Now? (Part 2) – By Tara MacIsaac

Source – theepochtimes.com – “…On May 3, 1912, the New York Times reported from Madison, Wis.: “Upon opening one large mound at Lake Lawn farm, 18 skeletons were discovered by the Phillips Brothers. The heads, presumably those of men, are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit America today” Did Giants Exist?…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Ant People Legend of the Hopi Native Americans & Connections to the Anunnaki – By Corbin Black

Source – ancient-code.com – “…In the Hopi legend, these Ant People were their saviors, taking them underground and teaching them how to survive two extreme cataclysms…Surviving underground with the Ant People, the Hopi ancestors learned how to grow food with little water and build dwellings in the rocks. They learned about the stars and mathematics…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Did Giants Exist?’, Legends and America’s Giant Skeletons (Part 1) – By Paul Darin & Tara MacIsaac

Source – theepochtimes.com – “…The controversial discoveries of skeletons measuring 7 feet to more than 9 feet tall, along with other artifacts, have suggested to some that truth inspired these legends. Researchers who explore these possibilities, and often face ridicule from more conventional scientists, say that in the remote past giants with a median height…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Thomas DiLorenzo – The ‘Myth’ of Lincoln, Secession, & The ‘Civil War’

Source – lewrockwell.com – “…Let’s try to clear up a few more myths. Did Lincoln issue greenbacks in defiance of British “money power”? In other words, was his war waged as an act of rebellion against European colonialism?…Thomas DiLorenzo: Lincoln spent his entire life in politics, from 1832 until his dying day, as a lobbyist…

DIVINE PRESENCE: Palatkwapi-Sedona, City of the Star People – By Mark Amaru Pinkham

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…The fourth story was smaller than the three below, making the ceremonial building resemble a pyramid. To this top level were admitted initiates of great conscience who had acquired a deep knowledge of the laws of nature. Here they were taught the workings of the planetary system, how the stars affected…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Female Druids’, The Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts – By Natalia Klimczak

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…The Romans killed many Druids and destroyed many of their books. The Roman Catholic church believed that female Druids were sorcerers and witches in cooperation with the devil. They also saw the knowledge of the Celts as a huge danger for their domination. The well-known Saint Patrick burned more than a…

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: Dr Shashi Tharoor – ‘Britain Has As Much Blood on its Hands as the Worst Dictatorships’

Source – geopolitics.co – “…All of these aggressive efforts rest on controlling the narrative as one of the main pillars of Western hegemony and power grabs, and Western regimes have as much blood on their hands as the worst genocidal dictators that have ever lived, including those who are worshiped as heroes” Britain Has As…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations (Archive)

Source – revelationnow.net – “…The Pyramids of Giza, was a multi-purpose energy system. This was free energy afforded to all of the people. All homes enjoyed light and power even the most rudimentary batteries stayed charged”: Ancient Pyramids Were High Frequency Power Stations The Pyramids of Giza are considered one the greatest wonders of the…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Did the Anunnaki Reveal Keys to the Universe in the First System of Mathematics? – By Corbin Black

Source – ancient-code.com – ‘…As Anonymous asks: “What is going on here? We have all these different things: Earth cycles, time and celestial measurements, geometry, and frequency. Yet they are all represented by the same numbers over and over again” Did the Anunnaki Reveal Keys to the Universe in the First System of Mathematics? –…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Eisenhower’s Death Camps’ The Last Dirty Secret of WW2

Source – ihr.org – “…Even more shocking was to see the prisoners throwing grass and weeds into a tin can containing a thin soup. They told me they did this to help ease their hunger pains. Quickly they grew emaciated. Dysentery raged, and soon they were sleeping in their own excrement, too weak and crowded…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘America Before’, The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization – By Graham Hancock

Source – grahamhancock.com – “…Certain tribes of the Amazon rainforest are closely related to Australian Aborigines and to Melanesians from Papua New Guinea. This extraordinary, unexpected and extremely ancient DNA signal is only present in South America and is completely absent in North America and Mesoamerica. It bears witness to something that archaeologists hitherto believed…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Christ’s Ventriloquists’, The Event That Created Christianity – By Eric Zuesse

Source – patheos.com – “… Paul broke away from the Jewish sect that Jesus had begun, and he took with him the majority of this sect’s members; he convinced these people that Jesus had been a god, and that the way to win eternal salvation in heaven is to worship him as such…This work also…

DIVINE PRESENCE: Saint-Yves d’Alveydre & The Synarchy of Agarttha – By Mehmet Sabeheddin

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…To Saint-Yves the Knights Templar, as faithful adherents of Synarchy, stood for universal peace, friendship between peoples, and co-operative federalism. With the demise of the Templar Order early in the fourteenth century, Europe strayed far from the path of Synarchy, succumbing to the forces of chaos and dissolution. As long as…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Long Leash’, How the CIA Used Modern Art as a Cold War Cultural ‘Weapon’ – By Frances Stonor Saunders

Source – independent.co.uk – ‘…Unknown to the artists, the new American art was secretly promoted under a policy known as the “long leash”…The decision to include culture and art in the US Cold War arsenal was taken as soon as the CIA was founded in 1947… The new agency set up a division, the Propaganda…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Forbidden Timeline of Earth’s History According to the Anunnaki

Source – riseearth.com – Based on numerous archaeological discoveries: artifacts, records and monuments found in the past by experts, it is believed that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens), an extremely advanced civilization from an elusive planet in our solar system, came to Earth, landing in the Persian Gulf some 432,000…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Secret Elite’, The Secret Origins of the First World War – By Gerry Docherty & Jim Macgregor

Source – geopolitica.ru – “…Living in ‘splendid isolation’ and devoid of binding treaties with any other nation had not been viewed as a handicap as long as no other power on earth challenged the Empire. But in the early years of the twentieth century there was a serious challenger. If the Secret Elite were to…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Operation: Aphrodite’, The Secret Drone Mission That Killed Joseph Kennedy Jr. – By Ed Grabianowski

Source – io9.gizmodo.com – “…Drones had been used in World War I, but they were essentially precursors to cruise missiles…I’d like to tell you that Joseph Kennedy Jr. gave his life helping to develop an amazing superweapon that dealt a crushing blow to the Nazis and accelerated the end of the war in the European…