DIVINE PRESENCE: David Wilcock Explores The ‘Cosmic Secret’

Source – divinecosmos.com “…For time immemorial humanity has looked to the stars for answers to unlock our origins. We have interpreted prophecy in the hopes to predetermine our future. Through religious texts, scripture, art and oral tradition we have laid an enigmatic and illusive breadcrumb trail to our past, and yet the questions remain. Who…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘Song Catchers’, 7 Signs You May Be an Urban Shaman – By Gary Z McGee

Source – fractalenlightenment.com “…The shamanic energy wills what it wills, channels where it channels, and initiates who it initiates, and no amount of silly semantics, clingy cultural angst, or half-empty ego-speak will fade it either way. It’s too busy singing its numinous song. And, as Bradford Keeney said, “Authentic shamans have always been songcatchers” 7…

COSMIC COWBOY: Scientific Heretic Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Fields, Psychic Dogs & Other Mysteries – By John Horgan (Archive)

Source – scientificamerican.com – “… In most branches of science, there are dissident minority groups who have been marginalized by the mainstream, but which contain well-qualified scientists and promising unorthodox results. These are the low-hanging fruits that are most likely to lead to breakthroughs” Scientific Heretic Rupert Sheldrake on Morphic Fields, Psychic Dogs and Other…

MASONIC VISIONS: Transformational Truths From Sages Throughout the Ages

Source – wakeup-world.com – “…A never ending string of pearls…. every moment is in and of it’s self a life time, and when we have affection and let ourselves experience life without expectation…that is when the majesty of the world opens her petals to us…And welcomes us home – Carlos Castaneda Transformational Truths From Sages…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘High Weirdness’, Drugs, Esoterica, & Visionary Experience in the Seventies – By Erik Davis

Source – longreads.com – “…Superimposing the experiences of the McKennas, Wilson, and Dick, we find a number of shared motifs, like UFOs, the star system Sirius, and H.P. Lovecraft. There are invocations of the Logos and fusions with a cosmic database — what Wilson called “a kind of galactic star-network,” or what Terence described as…

COSMIC COWBOY: The Fantastic Reality of Pauwels & Bergier – By Gary Lachman

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “… In the Paris of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus, of existentialism, black polo necks, engagement and dreary “authenticity,” the book had the effect of a flying saucer landing at the Café Deux Magots, or of a cosmic wormhole opening in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. In the black and white world of “nausea” and the “absurd,”…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘Astral Bucket List’, Advanced Instruction on Travelling Out-of-Body – By Kurt Leland

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…We don’t have a comprehensive map of the inner terrain we’re exploring in such adventures in consciousness. In the case of spontaneous OBEs or mystical experiences, we often don’t know how we got there and have no idea of how to get there again. In the case of better explored and…

HIGH SOCIETY: ‘How To Change Your Mind’, A Mind-Bending Perspective On Psychedelic’s

Source – leavingbabylon – “…Psychedelics at one time caused a moral panic in America….I believe that if conservatives dared to venture into the psychedelic world, they could positively affect its cultural context, as well as add invaluable insights and language not linked to the left counterculture” Pollan’s psychedelic adventure One of the recent books that…

COSMIC COWBOY: Dr. Ardy Sixkiller Clarke Ph.D – The Native Legend of the ‘Star People’ (Archive)

Source – collective-evolution.com – ‘…Newspapers throughout the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 Eskimos. Many people believed there would be a rational explanation for the disappearance, but the Anjikuni group disappearance remains unsolved. Today, stories are still told in the Eskimo communities about the UFO that abducted an entire village” “Sometimes They Come…

HIGH SOCIETY: ‘Outside Looking In’, Down the Rabbit Hole with Timothy Leary (Flashback)

Source – counterpunch.org – “…Boyle’s work takes place inside Leary’s group of psychedelic pioneers. The story takes us from their assembly at Harvard to his retreat in Mexico and finally to the Hitchcock Estate in Millbrook, NY…Leary stood in the middle of the bridge between the US culture of the past and the new one…

COSMIC COWBOY: Exopolitics & The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, A Conversation with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Source – exopolitics.blogs.com – “… Our human civilization on Earth is in a dimensional ecology that includes the entire Omniverse: our universe, all the universes of the Exopolitical dimensions (the multiverse), and the intelligent civilizations of souls, spiritual beings, and Source (God) in the spiritual dimensions”: Exopolitics & The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, Exopolitics…

DIVINE PRESENCE: ‘The Hidden Reality’, Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos – By Dr. Brian Greene (Archive)

Source  – eet.org – “…A growing number of cosmologists agree with Greene that we are but one of many universes and at least one of these other worlds lies close to ours, maybe only a millimeter away. We can’t see this world, because it exists in a type of space different from the four dimensions…

COSMIC COWBOY: Joe Rogan On Invisible Aliens, String Theory & Collective DMT Dreams (Archive)

Source  – educateinspirechange.org – “…”It is possible that some advanced beings that exists in these other dimensions… this is where it gets really crazy! ..might not just be able to come visit us, but they might be here all the time, we just cant detects because we simply don’t have the ability….Reality really is theater.…

COSMIC COWBOY: Four Classic Techniques for Consciousness Change from Discordian Pope, Robert Anton Wilson (Archive)

Source – ultraculture.org – “…This experiment is designed to help the reader understand the role of thought and belief in structuring the universe. Whatever it is that you think, your mind will immediately set about proving—the existence of God, the sovereignty of the American President, or any number of conspiracy theories. Your mind will find…

HIGH SOCIETY: Ram Dass On Intellect, Psychedelics, Love & Surrendering to the Imagination

Source – elephantjournal.com – “…The soul wants to meld with the One. The One is love, light; the One is peace, compassion. The soul wants to meld with that. The reason we are addicted to power is because of separateness—separate nations, separate states, separate religions, and separate people. When you are separate the whole universe…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: ‘Declassified’, CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, Telepathy (Part 2)

Source – in5d.com – “…Human consciousness can, with enough practice, move beyond the dimension of time-space and interface with other energy systems in other dimensions….since he is starting from a point much “higher up”, to use an analogy from the time-space context, that part of his consciousness involved in “clicking out” will have that much…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: ‘Declassified’, CIA Explains Consciousness, The Matrix, Meditation, Holograms, Telepathy (Part 1)

Source – in5d.com – “…The universe is composed of interacting energy fields^ some at rest and some in motion. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist at Stanford University and David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, the human…

COSMIC COWBOY: Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them

Source – themindunleashed.com – “…Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds. The shocking comments were made on the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast last year. Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘C.W. Leadbeater’, The World’s Greatest Occultist & Psychic? – By Frank Joseph

Source  – newdawnmagazine.com – “…In Theosophy, whose followers strove to penetrate the mystical truth they believed was at the core of every religion, he found the authentic mystical experience he sought. They convinced him that a synthesis of Buddhist and Hindu beliefs combined with exercise of mankind’s innate psychic powers could elevate our species to…

COSMIC COWBOY: Astrobiologist Explains How Invisible Aliens Could Live on Earth

Source – futurism.com – “…We do have evidence for life-forming, carbon-based molecules having arrived on Earth on meteorites, so the evidence certainly doesn’t rule out the same possibility for more unfamiliar life forms” Astrobiologist Explains How Invisible Aliens Could Live on Earth Alien Detection During a recent interview with The Observer, Helen Sharman, the first…

COSMIC COWBOY: Colin Wilson, Last of the Angry Young Men – By Lynn Picknett & Clive Prince (Archive)

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…More than twenty years of psychical research have led me to the conclusion that there is a ‘psychic reality’ which runs parallel to our physical reality. Ghosts, demons, poltergeists, fairies, even ‘vampires’, are incursions from this ‘other reality’ into our own” Onside with The Outsider: Colin Wilson at 80 – By…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘Psycho-Magic’, A Beginner’s Guide to Alejandro Jodorowsky – By Andrei Burke (Flashback)

Source – ultraculture.org –  “…Psychomagic, of course, is Jodorowsky’s shamanic model of therapeutic self-healing, in which the client tricks the unconscious mind into healing the wounds of the past through dramatically miming a breakthrough scenario. In recent years, he has gone to great lengths to develop psychomagic, operating a clinical practice and writing a number…

COSMIC COWBOY: Cosmic Consciousness & Outer Spaces in Popular Culture – By Kingsley Dennis

Source – kingsleydennis.com – “…What initially started out as an exercise in studying mental illness soon turned into an in-depth inquiry into personal and spiritual transformation. Mack eventually came to see the alien abduction phenomenon as one of the most powerful agents for spiritual growth, personal transformation, and expanded awareness – in other words, as…

DIVINE PRESENCE: Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Sage Of Concord (Archive)

Source – transcendentalism-legacy.tamu.edu – “…Waldo Emerson is truly the center of the American transcendental movement….What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you…once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen” – Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1803-1882″ Ralph Waldo Emerson – The…

HIGH SOCIETY: ‘The Altered Statesman’, Terence McKenna’s Last Trip

Source – wired.com – “…McKenna is the most loved psychedelic barnstormer since Timothy Leary, the self-appointed guru of LSD who died in 1996 amid a flurry of digital hype about online euthanasia and his plans – which he scrapped – to undergo cryonic preservation. Like McKenna, Leary was an intellectual entertainer, a carny barker hawking…

COSMIC COWBOY: ‘Galactic Archaeology’, One Degree of Separation…?

Source – gizadeathstar.com – “…Galactic archaeology? No thinking small here… No obelisks on the Moon arranged in peculiarly regular patterns, or faces and pyramids on Mars, or oddly rectilinear features on Phobos, or eerie resemblances between Iapetus and George Lucas’s Death star from his Star wars movies which just happens to have three neat parallel…

COSMIC COWBOY: Scientists Plan to Create ‘Asgardia’, An Nation-State in Space (Archive)

Source – gizadeathstar.com  – “…Former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell…was arguing that “non-violent ETIs” were demanding a stop to human violence in return for the sharing of zero point energy technology, a statement with all sorts of problems… taking Mr. Mitchell’s statements and claims at face value, the establishment of a totally pacificistic “space nation” could…

COSMIC COWBOY: Rupert Sheldrake on How Panpsychism Can Explain Conciousness

Source – originsofconsciousness.com – “…The most surprising and mysterious aspect of reality is… us. Through the development of life and mind, the universe glimpses the potential of a subjective dimension, -of value, meaning, and significance. Today growing numbers of scientists and philosophers argue that proper recognition of the existence of consciousness reframes our entire cosmological picture.…

COSMIC COWBOY: Incredibly Trippy Portraits of Famous Psychonauts – By Nicolás Rosenfeld (Archive)

Source – psychedelicfrontier.com – “…John C Lilly, a man who lived and breathed the meaning of “psychonaut.” The inventor of the isolation tank (which deprives all senses of stimuli while the user floats in warm water) and a pioneer in dolphin research, Lilly was also famous for taking frequent and heroic doses of ketamine, LSD,…

COSMIC COWBOY: Did The Late Science Fiction Author Philip K. Dick Disclosed The Real Matrix in 1977? (Flashback)

Source – decryptedmatrix.com – “…From 1974 until his death in 1982, Dick spent many nights writing in this journal. A recurring theme in Exegesis is PKD’s hypothesis that history had been stopped in the 1st century AD., and that “the Empire never ended”. He saw Rome as the pinnacle of materialism and despotism, which, after…