HIDDEN HISTORY: Did the U.S. Military Formulate a Plan In 1924 to Invade Canada?

Source – globalresearch.ca “…How many are actually aware that our Southern neighbour, the United States of America had formulated in 1924 a carefully designed plan to invade Canada and bomb Montreal, Quebec City, Halifax and Vancouver. War Plan Red was officially approved by the US War Department in May 1930. The 1928 draft stated that “it should be…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Pearl Harbor Unmasked – By Robert B. Stinnett

Source – unz.com “…Stinnett demonstrates, on the basis of extensive incontrovertible factual evidence and self-evidently accurate analysis that President Roosevelt oversaw the contrivance and deployment of a closely-guarded secret plan to goad the Japanese into attacking Pearl Harbor and monitor them while they did it” Pearl Harbor Unmasked – By Robert B. Stinnett Robert B.…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Remains of 215 Children Found at Indigenous School Site in Canada

Source – aljazeera.com “…Canada’s residential school system, which forcibly separated Indigenous children from their families, constituted “cultural genocide”, a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015. The report documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches…

NARCO-POLITIK: ‘Arnaldo Ochoa & Tony de la Guardia’, Rogue Agents or Castro’s “Fall Guys?” (Flashback)

Source – nytimes.com  – “…The hypotheses in this area run the gamut from: Ochoa and de la Guardia taking an authorized but circumscribed covert operation and avariciously expanding it beyond any possible license; to, everyone at the top being up to his eyeballs and Ochoa and de la Guardia eliminated when it became expedient to…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘The Secret History of Giants’, The Underground Military-Sealed Hyperborean ‘Gallery 13’

Source – ancient-origins.net “….With Rosia Montana being a mining area, a number of interesting discoveries have been unearthed there over the years – one of the most interesting being a skeleton of a 10 meter (32.8 feet) tall giant which was found in 1976….A number of other discoveries were made at the site in 1976.…

DIVINE PRESENCE: ‘Shinta’, Ainu & Hopi Take To The Sky – By Dr Benjamin B. Olshin

Source – benjaminbolshin.net “…The ancient Chinese and South Asian cultures reflected an early interest in the idea that one could build a machine to take to the air, even if the technology to be able to do so was not yet available. What is remarkable, moreover, is the universality of such an idea, and in…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Laos & The CIA’, The Most Secret Place on Earth Revisited (Flashback)

Source – globalresearch.ca “…Between 1962 and 1975, Long Cheng became one of the busiest airports in the world and had a population of more than 50.000 people. It was the heart of the Secret War, waged by the US against communist forces in Laos. Yet Long Cheng was never marked on any map” Laos and…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Super Predators That Killed Everything They Could – Humans

Source – ancient-origins.net “…The conclusion of the new study is that humans are “specialized hypercarnivores” who diversified their diets at the tail-end of our evolutionary story. And only because “we were forced to do so after killing off our main food source.” The Super Predators That Killed Everything They Could. Humans A team of scientists…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘India’s Ancient Vedic Science’, Vimanas & Genetic Super-Soldiers

Source – exopolitics.org “…Modi is locked in a ferocious battle with the Indian branch of the “Deep State” that wants to restrict access and knowledge of India’s Ancient Vedic Science to a select few. In contrast, Modi wants Indian scientists to be given open access to ancient artifacts detailing the schematics, and operations of these…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘On Roosevelt & Stalin’, What Revisionist Historians Want Us to Forget – By Cynthia Chung

Source – unz.com “…Senate opposition to the very idea of aid to Russia was especially forceful. The Missouri senators were the worst. “It’s a case of dog eat dog,” barked Senator Bennett Clark from Missouri. Senator Harry Truman, yapped in accord: “If we see that Germany is winning we ought to help Russia and if…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Fall 1941’, Pearl Harbor & The Wars of Corporate America (Flashback)

Source – globalresearch.ca “…The Roosevelt administration had been eager for some time to wage war against Japan and sought to unleash such a war by means of the institution of an oil embargo and other provocations. Having deciphered Japanese codes, Washington knew a Japanese fleet was on its way to Pearl Harbor, but welcomed the…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Timeless Mystery of the Count de Saint-Germain – By W.A. Harbinson

Source – newdawnmagazine.com “…He began turning up in various historical records as a man who appeared to be in his early thirties,…and (a) penchant for telling extraordinary tales about his past life, including his claim that he had known the Holy Family (Jesus, Mary & Joseph) intimately; been present at the marriage feast at Cana;…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: How Britain Stole $45 Trillion From India

Source – aljazeera.com “…During the entire 200-year history of British rule in India, there was almost no increase in per capita income. In fact, during the last half of the 19th century – the heyday of British intervention – income in India collapsed by half. The average life expectancy of Indians dropped by a fifth…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The CIA & The Muslim Brotherhood – By Alex Constantine (Archive)

Source – constantinereport.com – “…The Koran-happy Muslim Brothers have served the CIA operationally for some 40 years, an arrangement rubber-stamped by Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner and Kermit Roosevelt” The CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood – By Alex Constantine  “The CIA’s determination to roll back communism during the Cold War inadvertently allowed radical Islamists to gain…

NEO-CONNED: The Geopolitics of Epistemological Warfare, From Babylon to Neocon – By Matthew Ehret (Archive)

Source – strategic-culture.org – “…Neoconservative founding fathers such as Leo Strauss, Sir Henry Kissinger and Sir Bernard Lewis absolutely never believed in the ideologies their cultish golems like Bolton, Cheney or Kristol have adhered to so religiously. Their belief was only that the sum-of-parts called humanity must ultimately be governed by a Hobbesian Leviathan…aka: a…

SECRET SPACE: ‘Planet X’, Is There Scientific Evidence for the Existance of the Legendary 12th Planet?

Source – ancient-origins.net – “…Planet X was actually pronounced found more than 30 years ago. In fact, in 1987, an article in “The New Illustrated Science and Invention Encyclopedia” , covering the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 space program, published an illustration that not only showed the trajectories of the two spacecrafts, but interestingly enough,…

BRAVE NEW WORLD: ‘New Atlantis’, The New Global Reconstruction – By Rosanne Lindsay ND

Source – natureofhealing.org “…The concept of conspiracy frightens some people, so much so that they are willing to overlook any and all evidence that world events are for the most part directed, rather than chaotic and coincidental. – Winston Churchill” The New Global Reconstruction By Rosanne Lindsay, ND Humanity has been facing threats to its evolution…

ARCHONS, OVERLORDS & MAGICK: ‘The 12 Tribes’, Atlantian Mystery Schools – By Lisa Renee

Source – energeticsynthesis.com “…The Maji Priest Kings were the spiritual leadership, and were organized and assembled in rainbow round tables within the Atlantian Mystery Schools to meditate and unite their consciousness to perform a variety of tasks to protect the earth’s consciousness field” Atlantian Mystery Schools – By Lisa Renee During the timeline of Atlantian Mystery Schools, each of the 12…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Were Other Humans the First Victims of the Sixth Mass Extinction? – By Nick Longrich

Source – ancient-origins.net “…History is full of examples of people warring, displacing and wiping out other groups over territory, from Rome’s destruction of Carthage, to the American conquest of the West and the British colonization of Australia….There’s little reason to think that early  Homo sapiens  were less territorial, less violent, less intolerant – less human” Were Other Humans the First…

MASONIC VISIONS: One of Stanford’s Most Successful Remote Viewers Shares What He ‘Saw’ About The Origins of Humanity – By Arjun Walia (Archive)

Source – collective-evolution.com –  “…Author Graham Hancock coined, ‘a species with amnesia’. But perhaps we are starting to remember. Perhaps our only two explanations are incorrect, or perhaps they’re both correct, combined with other factors. The point is, what we’ve been told is not true, and the recognition of that fact will lead us on…

HIDDEN HISTORY: ‘Agarttha’, Taking the Lid Off the Underground Kingdom – By Joscelyn Godwin

Source – newdawnmagazine.com “….When our world adopts Synarchical government, the time will be ripe for Agarttha to reveal itself….it reminds us that the earth is a very strange place, with many unexplored corners, many enigmas, and many surprises in store for us surface-dwellers” Agarttha: Taking the Lid Off the Underground Kingdom BY JOSCELYN GODWIN In 1884…

RISE OF THE FOURTH REICH: The Thing That Ate the Constitution – By Robert Anton Wilson (Archive)

Source – rawilson.com “…. The TSOG [Tsarist Occupation Government]…began replacing representative democracy in the U.S. way back in 1945, when Gen. Rheinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s Chief of Soviet Intelligence, surrendered to the U.S. Army, after first prudently burying several truckloads of “inside information” about the Soviet Union at a secret location” The Thing That Ate the…

DEEP STATE: Understanding the Tri-fold Nature of the Deep State – By Matthew Ehret

Source – canadianpatriot.org “… Understanding the Tri-fold Nature of the Deep State – By Matthew Ehret Not that long ago the United States came close to total dissolution. The financial system was bankrupt, speculation had run amok, and all infrastructure had fallen into disarray over the course of 30 years of unbroken free trade. To…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Spain’s Conquistador Hernan Cortes & The Unknown History of the Panama Canal

Source – kbnbworldnews.wordpress.com “…In 1524, the same year Cortes sent de Olid to Honduras, Charles I of Spain, better-known as Charles V King of Spain, Aragon and Emperor of the Holy Roman-German Empire, suggested digging a canal in order to more easily trade and travel to South America. In 1529 a first project was presented but the…

HIDDEN HISTORY: The Secret Origins of the First World War – By Jim Macgregor & Gerry Docherty

Source – newdawnmagazine.com “…A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war….At Versailles in 1919 Britain, France and the United States claimed that Germany had planned the war, deliberately started it, and rejected all Allied proposals for conciliation and mediation. Millions of documents were destroyed,…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Lithium-6, Uranium 233 & the Building of the Nazi A-Bomb

Source – veteranstoday.com – “…Wartime Nazi patents which by prior agreements should have been equally distributed between all Allied powers were instead confiscated by the United States and spirited out of Germany in great secrecy. The United States used this booty to create a technological prowess and prosperous economy for itself for the next six…

SECRET SOCIETIES: ‘Sufi-ism’, The Masons & the Moors – By Mehmet Sababeheddin

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – “…The Kingdom of Morocco under the leadership of Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdullah, known as King Mohammed III, was the first country in the world to recognise the United States of America as an independent nation in 1777. This historic act by the North African Muslim kingdom highlights the relationship then existing…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Ancient Egypt & The Alternative Story Of Mankind’s Origins

Source – disclose.tv – “…The most known theory is what was written in the Bible. However, ancient Egyptians narrate the story of mankind’s origins differently. The documentary explains and alternative theory and explains the basis questions about the man’s origins featuring interviews with prominent scholars, authors and scientists” Ancient Egypt And The Alternative Story Of…