CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: Who, Why & What are They Putting Inside of Humans? – By Arjun Walia

Source – – Everything from the release of government documents, to high level testimonies from high ranking military and political figures has ignited a massive surge of interest in the UFO phenomenon from people all over the world. Unidentified Flying Objects (performing maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics) are now a confirmed reality.…

REALPOLITIK: The Russian Phoenix, Hope or Illusion? – By Moti Nissani, Ph.D

Source –  – Apart from the mainstream portrayal of Russia as a ruthless expansionist dictatorship (a portrayal too ludicrous to merit attention here), most awake commentators fall into one of two camps. Members of the first camp believe that the realization of a better world depends on Russia’s success in its efforts to reform…

REBEL YELL: 5 Whistle-Blowers Everyone Needs To Know

Source – – With the awakening continuing to speed up in our world, it seems that information continues to spill out of the darkness and into the light more and more with each passing week. Whistle-blowers continue to come out and speak of what they know; both on a micro-scale (truths coming out at…

HIDDEN HISTORY: Exposing the Secret History of Giants and the Underground Hyperborean Gallery in Romania

Source – – With Rosia Montana being a mining area, a number of interesting discoveries have been unearthed there over the years – one of the most interesting being a skeleton of a 10 meter (32.8 feet) tall giant which was found in 1976. About 5,500 years ago, an underground gallery was constructed in…

CORPRO-FASCISM: The Age of Authoritarianism, Government of the Politicians, by the Military, for the Corporations – By John W. Whitehead

Source – – America is at a crossroads. History may show that from this point forward, we will have left behind any semblance of constitutional government and entered into a militaristic state where all citizens are suspects and security trumps freedom. Certainly, this is a time when government officials operate off their own inscrutable,…

BIG PHARMA: The Vaccine Mafia is Real, and it’s Out to Destroy the Careers of all who Question Vaccine Safety – By L.J. Devon

Source – – The current CDC vaccination schedule for children is so dynamic; it almost looks like a training manual to keep parents paying into the medical system on a timely, consistent basis. This vaccination schedule is literally conditioning families to depend on consistent jabs and prescriptions throughout their life while turning to the…

HIGH SOCIETY: California Town Ditches Prison Economy, Embraces Cannabis Farms – By Justin Gardner

Source – – For 24 years, Adelanto tried unsuccessfully to sustain its economy through prisons, but now it will be hosting a very different kind of business—cannabis cultivation: A tiny California desert town is making a drastic change to reverse its downward spiral and embrace an enlightened future. For 24 years, Adelanto tried unsuccessfully…

REALPOLITIK: Hillary Clinton and the Dogs of War – By Nicolas J. S. Davies

Source – – A poll taken in Iowa before the presidential caucus found that 70 percent of Democrats surveyed trusted Hillary Clinton on foreign policy more than Bernie Sanders. But her record as Secretary of State was very different from that of her successor, John Kerry, who has overseen groundbreaking diplomatic breakthroughs with Iran, Cuba…

THERE WILL BE BLOOD: Saudis, Al Qaeda & Chevron (Afghanistan Part II ) – By Dean Henderson

Source – – In the mid-1980’s the UN tried to broker a peace deal in Afghanistan involving a complete Soviet withdrawal in return for an end to US and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) support for the Afghan rebels.  The Reagan Administration refused the UN deal: (Part two of a three-part series excerpted from Chapter…

THE MEDIA MONOPOLY: How Washington Manages America’s Perception of World Affairs

Source – –  The US media is skillfully lying about world affairs, delivering contrived narratives that are generated by the Pentagon, the State Department and the White House and misinforming the public; the ignorance this process generates is very dangerous because Americans “act on it”, according to foreign policy expert Stephen Kinzer. American public…

REALPOLITIK: Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members

Source  – – Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he has shared intelligence with the other G20 member states, which reveals the 40 countries from which ISIS finances the majority of their terrorist activities. The list reportedly included a number of G20 countries. “I provided examples based on our data on the financing…

NARCO-POLITIK: The Contra-Cocaine Connection, The Hunt for the Secret Team – By Greg Guma (Archive)

Source – – Death of a Whistleblower: Steven Carr joined the Reagan administration’s “secret” war against Nicaragua because he “wanted to fight the Sandinistas.” Too young to have served in Vietnam, he was hungry for adventure in an anti-communist crusade. As Carr later admitted, he and four other mercenaries met in Miami in March…

AMERIKA: For 50 of the First 60 Years of the New Republic, the President Was a Slaveholder

Source – – How many of our presidents owned slaves?: There are two ways of interpreting your question. Either: How many presidents owned slaves at some point in their lives? Or: How many presidents owned slaves while serving as chief executive? Many books get the answers to these questions wrong, and when I speak…

REBEL YELL: Harriet Tubman, “I Freed a Thousand Slaves, I Could Have Saved a Thousand More – If Only They Knew They Were Slaves”

Source – – The year after Harriet Tubman’s arrival in the North, she decided to return to Maryland to free her sister and her sister’s family. Over the next 12 years, she returned 18 or 19 more times, bringing hundreds of slaves out of slavery: (Also Read:  Harriet Tubman’s Life in Slavery) Underground Railroad…

REALPOLITIK: Ankara, Riyadh Envision the Creation of New ‘Wahhabi Empire’ – By Gordon Duff

Source –  – Turkey has already unleashed a war in the MiddleEast, Marine combat veteran Gordon Duff, referring to the country’s de facto invasion of Iraq and shelling of Syria. ___________ In the past few years Turkey and Saudi Arabia have been creating a “new Wahhabi empire” in the Middle East and beyond by fuelling Islamic extremists,…

HYPNOTIC STATES OF AMERICA: Chomsky Wants You to Wake Up from the American Dream – By David Swanson

Source – – If you’ve just seen Michael Moore’s movie and are wondering how in the world the United States got diverted into the slow lane to hell, go watch Noam Chomsky’s movie. If you’ve just seen Noam Chomsky’s movie and are wondering whether the human species is really worth saving, go see Michael…

DAS KAPITAL: The Unfolding Global Reset that Only Few Understand

Source – – The new global development bank is now online and is ready to serve governments of the world. This is the official inauguration of the new financial system that will usher in a new era of massive economic development for humanity. We shall remember this day as the time when real men…

BIG PHARMA: The Biochemical Manipulation of Humanity – Infertility, Endocrine Disruption and Depression

Source – – Many prominent scientists and authors have on various occasions stated that in the future, the common people would be manipulated through chemicals in their food, water and injections, to suit the needs of the people that govern them. In his 1931 book, The Scientific Outlook, elitist Bertrand Russell wrote: “Perhaps by means…

ODESSA: Cry For Me Argentina – Evita Peron and the Swiss-Argentine-Nazi Connection

Source – – Jorge Bergoglio’s election to be Pope Francis has revived troubling questions about the Catholic Church’s role in the Argentine “dirty war” and other right-wing repression in Latin America of the 1970s  and ’80s. But the history goes back to ties to the Nazis, as the late Georg Hodel wrote in 1999. By Georg Hodel (Originally published Jan. 7, 1999)…

EARTH MYSTERIES: Scientists have found a mysterious boiling river straight out of Amazonian legend – By Fiona MacDonald

Source – – For centuries, Peruvian locals have talked about a river in the Amazon that burns so hot it can kill. According to legend, Spanish conquistadors foolishly ventured into the rainforest in search of gold, and the few men that returned told stories of poisoned water, man-eating snakes, and a river that boiled from…

DEAD MEN DON’T TALK: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines All Found Murdered – By Jack Murphy

Source – – Nagalase prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body: Not long ago, Neon Nettle reported on the epidemic of doctors being murdered, most of which were in Florida, U.S. The scientists all shared a common trait, they had all discovered that nagalase enzyme protein was being added to vaccines which…