WITH CRIMINAL INTENT: ‘The Soulless Sociopaths That Sold America Out – By Preston James

Source – veteranstoday.com  – Ever since the advent of the NAFTA Free-trade Agreement, there has been a gradual, progressive shift of economic power from the West to the East Detroit Silverdome – Is this the economic blight, ruin and decay that every major American city is headed for? America is no longer the industrial, manufacturing…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Why Most of the World’s Banks Are Headed for Collapse – By Doug Casey

Source – bonnerandpartners.com – You’re likely thinking that a discussion of “sound banking” will be a bit boring. Well, banking should be boring. And we’re sure officials at central banks all over the world today – many of whom have trouble sleeping – wish it were. This brief article will explain why the world’s banking…

CROSSROADS: “Cities Of Refuge”, Who, What & Why Are They Being Created? – By Michael Snyder

Source – theeconomiccollapseblog.com – All over the United States, cities of refuge are being created.  Now when I say “cities”, I don’t mean vast areas of land that can hold hundreds of thousands or millions of people.  Rather, I am talking about much smaller places of refuge that can accommodate dozens or hundreds of people. …

CHANGE: During Obama’s Presidency Wealth Inequality has Increased and Poverty Levels are Higher – By Rick Baum

Source – counterpunch.org – Troubling and significant statistics produced by the government indicate important facts about our political system and its priorities. Unfortunately, these statistics often get little coverage in the media. What coverage is provided usually only focuses on the current year and might include comparison with the previous year. Two such sets of…

BANKING CARTEL: For the Love of God…& Money, The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) – The Vatican’s Central Bank (Archive)

Source – geopolitics.co – The monster octopus has so many tentacles. But of all these sucking arms, nothing is more secretive than the Central Bank of all central banks, the BIS that is nestled in a country with a Red Cross flag to represent it. The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) headquarter as shown above looks…


Source – ronmamita.wordpress.com – Many thanks to American Kabuki for sharing this document. The formatting code has altered the document thus I advise all readers to download the document from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/123294713/Last-Will-and-Testament-of-Ferdinand-Marcos-President-of-the-Philippines LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Know to all men these presents. That I, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos with Diffused codename:  AAA – 777 and Spiritual King…

MIND GAMES: Scientology & the CIA – By Aleksandr Leonidovich Dvorkin

Source – espionagehistoryarchive.com – This presentation was read by Aleksandr Leonidovich Dvorkin, president of the Irinaeus of Lyons Center for Religious Research Studies, on January 26th, 2016, at a conference run by the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities. (Translator’s note: While we wouldn’t claim that the Church of Scientology is an integral element of…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: The ET Meet & Greet Will Be Delayed, Here’s why…

Source – geopolitics.co – Inasmuch as this planet is not the only “intelligent populated” sphere of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and metal floating across the universe, among many universes, there’s a bigger body of politics out there, and in here, too, than terrestrial geopolitics. And just when we think we are ready for the confirmation of…

NARCO-POLITIK: Former DEA Agent Exposes US Government’s Role in Cocaine Epidemic – By Isaac Davis

Source – wakingtimes.com. – There is an epidemic of cocaine, heroin, and other drug use in America, and many other drugs are being shipped into the US in greater numbers than ever before. Are the United States government and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to blame for flooding American communities with cocaine in the 1970’s by…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Professor Who Exposed Flint Water Crisis Says Pressure to Get Funded Destroys Integrity, Promotes Greed, and Has Killed Science

Source – naturalsociety.com – “I grew up worshiping at the altar of science, and in my wildest dreams I never thought scientists would behave this way,” said Virginia Tech professor, Marc Edwards, whose research helped expose the high levels of lead in municipal waters in both Flint, Michigan, and Washington, D.C. Marc Edwards is the…

THE 9/11 PSY-OPERA: The Bin Laden Death Mythology, Official History of Raid Camouflages US Protection of Governments Behind 9/11 (Part 2) – By Nafeez Ahmed

Source – medium.com  – Walk-in?: Under Hersh’s account, the walk-in provided the breakthrough intelligence that allowed the US government to begin putting together the assassination plan against bin Laden. The evidence reviewed here shows that the US already had precise intelligence indicating bin Laden’s presence at the Abbottabad compound since 2008 at latest — yet the CIA…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Merchandised Consumer Democracy, The Cause of the Economic Cancer in the United States – By Deni Leonard

Source – occupy.com – Accumulating the largest financial capital in the history of the United States, the financial owners have committed an Act of Violence against their society as their wealth is hidden offshore, while children are starving, lack health care, the fossil fuel industry expands climate change damages to the planet, the military consumption…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Debt – War And Empire By Other Means

Source – jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.ca – This video below may help one to understand some of the seemingly obtuse demands from the Troika with regard to Greece. The video is a bit dated, but the debt scheme it describes remains largely unchanged. The primary development has been the creation of an experiment called the European Union and the character…

ARCHONS, OVERLORDS, & MAGIK: The Eden Experiment, Aliens, Archons & the Associative Universe (Archive)

Source – newdawnmagazine.com – In the timeless library of human myths and legends, perhaps none are more primal and disturbing than the biblical story of the Fall. Responsible for everything from the demonisation of women to the Church’s pious horror for nature, sex and the body, there is scarcely a life-hating ideology or barbaric practice…

AMERIKA: Noam Chomsky – We Owe the Rise of Trump to Fear and the ‘Breakdown of Society’

Source – alternet.org – Leading GOP candidate is taking advantage of America’s fears: Noam Chomsky, 87, is without a doubt the most significant academic figure to cast a highly critical eye on U.S. foreign policies. The 2016 U.S. presidential primaries are in motion and with democratic socialist Bernie Sanders challenging Hillary Clinton for the Democratic…

THE 9/11 PSY-OPERA: The Bin Laden Death Mythology, Official History of Raid Camouflages US Protection of Governments Behind 9/11 (Part 1) – By Nafeez Ahmed

Source – medium.com  – The White House’s story of how US special forces hunted down and assassinated arch terrorist Osama bin Laden in his secret lair in Pakistan is unraveling. The official narrative of the bin Laden raid is that for over a decade, US intelligence hunted for the terror chief until a surveillance/torture-enabled breakthrough…

UPDATE: “Did a Chinese banker just announce the biggest event in human history” – By Benjamin Fulford (2-22-16)

Source – kauilapele.wordpress.com – Last week Zhou Xiaochuan, the head of China’s central bank, announced, in a jargon filled technical interview, that China would no longer be pegging its currency to the US dollar. Instead, the Chinese yuan will be linked to a broad basket of currencies, Zhou said. http://english.caixin.com/2016-02-15/100909181.html This seemingly arcane shift could…

KILL THE MESSENGER: The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt, US Government/CIA Team Murdered JFK – By Larry Chin (Archive)

Source – onlinejournal.com – The April 5 issue of Rolling Stone features the deathbed confession of CIA operative and key Bay of Pigs/Watergate/Nixon administration figure E. Howard Hunt, The Last Confession of E. Howard Hunt by Erik Hedegaard. This piece is significant not only for its exploration of Hunt, but for breakthrough information that appears…

BRAVE NEW WORLD: The Pentagon’s Secret Pre-crime Program to Know Your Thoughts, Predict Your Future – By Nafeez Ahmed

Source – medium.com  – The US Department of Defense (DoD) wants contractors to mine your social media posts to develop new ways for the US government to infer what you’re really thinking and feeling — and to predict what you’ll do next: Pentagon documents released over the last few months identify ongoing classified research in this area…

DAS KAPITAL: China, Russia and Iran planning gold backed currency

Source – hangthebankers.com – A Eurasian Golden Triangle is emerging with China, Russia and Iran as the three key points, F. William Engdahl notes. The latest Sino-Iranian rapprochement has prompted a lively debate regarding the new Eurasian “world order.” “Sometimes profound tectonic shifts in the global politics arise from the least noticed events. Such is the situation…

REALPOLITIK: The Syrian Ceasefire, Mind The Poison Pill In The Fine Print – By Daniel McAdams

Source – davidstockmanscontracorner.com – As co-chairs of the International Syria Support Group, the US and Russia announced yesterday an agreement on the “cessation of hostilities” in Syria that is scheduled to go into effect at midnight on February 27th. According to the agreement, the militaries of the US-led coalition, Russia, and Syria would at that…

THEATER OF THE ABSURD: The Insanity of American Foreign Policy, CIA-Backed Rebels Are Fighting Pentagon-Backed Rebels

Source – zerohedge.com – CIA-backed Islamic rebels are fighting against Pentagon-backed Kurish rebels in Syria. Buzzfeed notes: Officials with Syrian rebel battalions that receive covert backing from one arm of the U.S. government told BuzzFeed News that they recently began fighting rival rebels supported by another arm of the U.S. government.   The infighting between…

MIND GAMES: Filmmaker Reveals the Truth About Subliminal Messages – By Alex Pietrowski

Source – wakingtimes.com – The reality is that we are all being conditioned to think and believe certain things without any rational explanation through subliminal messaging in advertising, music, film, television, political propaganda, and military psychological operations. Considering the definition of the word subliminal – ‘existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness’ – it is easy…