AMERIKA: Is 1954 when CIA infiltrated American churches?

Source –

– …Recently discovered declassified CIA document under FOIA reveals how the CIA documented an “all creeds united” event to counter Communism. This event would host Billy Graham among others from various religious institutions.

This may have been the “entry point” of the CIA’s infiltration of the church in America since the CIA wasn’t that old at the time.

The person who was the sponsor of the event was an Episcopal minister, Charles W Lowry, that had just authored and published the book, “Communism and Christ” in 1952.

There is also a declassified letter from the CIA Director, Allen W. Dulles, to Charles Lowry declining an invitation to the 1954 event but expressing a desire to attend future meetings. This may have been the official “trigger” for the American church CIA infiltration if it hadn’t already started yet.


…Not only has the CIA infiltrated the American churches but so has over 40 Federal agencies as reported by the New York Times in November 2014.

This latest discovery only further proves how the minds of naive, trusting Americans in 1954 could easily be manipulated by having a blind trust in their government. In 1954, Charles Lowry is inviting a CIA Director to a Masonic type “all gods” event while the CIA had already begun distributing LSD to Americans without their knowledge. We are assuming Charles Lowry had no knowledge of this.

On a side note, it’s documented the CIA giving LSD to a Vancouver, British Columbia Roman Catholic congregation in 1957 with the Vatican’s knowledge. This too was under Allen Dulles whose brother, Avery Dulles, was a high ranking Jesuit Cardinal.

The level of evil already at work secretly by the CIA, while a naive (assuming) Episcopal minister invites the Director of the evil, to his “all gods” event.

Evil + Evil = Double Evil

Here is a declassified 1983 Department of Justice document discussing the CIA’s “MK-ULTRA” program when the CIA was giving LSD to Americans without their knowledge. In it, there is a statement by the CIA’s General Vandenberg where he states “religious beliefs” as an important aspect of intelligence along with armed forces, industrial capacity, and racial traits.


Based upon personal & documented research from the 2009-2014 of the American Evangelical churches, we believe many American churches were and are being used as intelligence gathering centers for the CIA and other Federal agencies.

We will even go as far as stating we could easily see the CIA completely constructing entire “Christian” denominations or planting an enormous amount of “operatives” within the leadership ranks, controlling the “message” of that denomination using blackmail or bribery. It’s all about intelligence gathering at whatever cost from their perspective.

The trusting, calm environment a church provides would reap a harvest of information on American citizens.

Especially when we think of people trusting other people by confessing their sins or other personal information to others in “private” settings, the potential for blackmail and other crimes against Americans would be high. Just the deep intelligence gathering alone would be invaluable to a government that exposes hundreds of thousands of American citizens to lethal environments without their knowledge.

So this latest 1954 document discovery doesn’t surprise us one bit, it shows how corrupted American churches would use a Masonic form of the “all gods spirituality” to battle a political ideology by pulling in Christian “leaders” and CIA Directors. Even though Allen Dulles stated he wouldn’t attend, we believe he sent operatives to the the event. Why not?

The Bible states that anyone who rejects Jesus (Yeshua) as the Messiah is antichrist. We don’t believe mixing people who are antichrist with Christians, in order to fight a political ideology, is from the God of the Bible.

This combining of antichrists and Christians to fight a political ideology would also undermine the American churches further spiritually and begin “planting the seeds” for a one-world religion which is a future prophecy yet to be fulfilled.

We are placing the document in a reader along with the PDF website link.

Incidentally at the bottom page 3 the last line is covered by the official CIA document nomenclature, the last line reads “of men of totalitarianism in any form, of creating an awareness”  –

The Unholy Alliance –
Christianity & The NWO
Part II

By Eric Jewell
Billy Graham
In 1992, broadcast across the US on Graham’s radio program “Embrace America 2000,” after Bush Sr. gave his now infamous New World Order Speech, the Rev. Billy Graham said that we should “embrace” this “New World Order”. In Erwin Wilsons book, “The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church” the renowned Bob Jones who wrote the forward said, ” “Some of us who grieved over Graham’s first downward steps toward compromise with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction from which there would be no turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had warned Billy against his direction.”   Protestant Church Life Magazine quoted Graham in its Sept. 29, 1956 issue, ‘Referring to the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham said: “We’re coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches — Catholic, Protestant or Jewish.” This has remained the practice of Graham to this day. The Charlotte Observer reported on a press release of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, where Billy Graham lashes out at Southern Baptists who desire to evangelize Jews for Christ. Graham makes it clear that he firmly opposes “proselytizing” the Jews; Billy Graham’s unbiblical teaching is that, if you are a Jew, you are already part of the Body of Christ, even if you reject Jesus. All Jews, Graham states “are engrafted into the Christian Church.” And yet, many of Graham’s past statements have proved to be antisemitic, as recently embarrassing Nixon White house tapes have revealed. In 1982, Billy Graham was awarded the Templeton Prize for “progress in religion”, a cash reward of roughly 1 Million dollars. Graham in turn endorsed Sir John Marks Templeton’s books in “Christianity Today” magazine. Templeton is a universalist (1), just like Moon, preaching/teaching the unity and unification of all world religions. Other recipients of the Templeton award have been Charles Colson (1993) and Bill Bright (1996), founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. Templeton’s New Age unification principles and teachings were introduced dramatically into the Christian mainstream by Robert Schuller in 1986, who continues to endorse the man and his doctrines. For decades Graham has offered a confusing doctrinal stance. Billy Graham said, “I found that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Catholics. We only differ on some matters of later church tradition. I find that my beliefs are essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics” (Jan 1978, McCall’s Magazine).  In the book “Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness” by Marshal Frady, we see a very different picture of Graham. Frady has spent much time interviewing Graham, and those close to him. He documents that Graham at a New York Crusade refused to allow street people into the crusade because they were dirty, a loathsome violation of every Christian creed toward the poor, to whom the Gospel Jesus made declaration. This is tantamount to the Galatians incident in scripture when Peter, fearing the reproach of certain Judaisers of wealth and status, withdrew himself from associating with gentiles, and the Apostle Paul had to oppose him to his face publicly, “for he was to be blamed” (Galatians 2:11, The New Testament). With the release of the Nixon tapes we see a very shaky, strangely unchristian past for Graham. He is also quoted as saying, “Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world and one of the greatest moral…leaders of this century.” (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.) Though Graham is stating a fact, how does it reflect on his ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ from a Protestant position? More examples of a homogenization of the message and messengers for the sake of public appeal. “Pope John Paul II, often called “The Marian Pope,” has stirred countless millions of Europeans to have faith in strange, supernatural Marian apparitions which directly challenge the Word of God, the Supremacy and Divinity of Jesus Christ and the Scriptural means of salvation (“Messages From Heaven,” Eternal Productions, )” In “The Deadly Deception”, by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason (Masons are believed by many to be associated with the Illuminati, and to be the driving force behind the NWO) p. 104-105, Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies. Huffington house refused to publish this book until after Grahams’ name was removed, and in place a simple reference to “a well known evangelist” was supplemented. Robert Schuller (Crystal Cathedral/Self-help pulpit guru), Norman Vincent Peale (Positive Thinking apostle), and Oral Roberts (Godfather of the “seed-faith” doctrines in contemporary fundamentalist-charismatic Christianity) are all admittedly 33rd degree Masons. The rites of the Masonic order, the writings of Albert Pike and the requisites for Masonic initiates are distinctly and undeniably counter to Christian doctrine and faith. He is a supporter of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches, where a belief in Jesus Christ is a nonessential. He has been quoted in an interview with Robert Schuller that there are ‘many paths to God’ and he ‘respects them all.’ Of course, as was mentioned in the previous article, he participated in prayer offered up to the god of Mohammhed (Allah). At that gathering were many Jews, Muslims, Christians and many other faiths gathered together praying to the god of Islam as the God of Abraham — a distinct moment of “unification”. Is Billy Graham working toward the goal of a New World Order? Is it merely a matter of decades of compromise with the world, or something more strategic? I wrote to the Billy Graham Evangelical Ministries, to ask what moved him to participate in a prayer to the god of Mohammhed, and to date have received no answer.


The Deception of Billy Graham, a Mind-Control Front

In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order. 

Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1978) Graham stated, “I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost–were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God–through nature, for instance.” Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature. 

Update: I got a copy of the article with the transcript of the interview of Billy Graham by Robert Schuller in Christian News newspaper of 1997 p.15. Librarians are great to help one get a copies of sources like that. I also found the other quote about Pagan getting ‘saved’ through nature in the McCall’s magazine of January 1978 (not 1987, that was a typo on your website) on pg. 156-157. The title of the McCall’s article is “I can’t play God anymore” and the writer is James Michael Beam. At the library, I also found a book that Billy Graham published in 1961 (Word Books Publisher. Call # 234.2G76). The title is “How To Be Born Again” and on pages 56 and 57 he alludes that you can be saved without knowing Christ or His name, just by seeing God’s attributes in Nature. I photocopied all that and showed them to my church friends. That convinced them, and they reluctantly agreed that Graham’s has unbiblical beliefs about salvation. And his heretical beliefs are consistent over time too, because those documents are from 1961, 1978, and 1997. Sent in by (Anonymous)

This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America, Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views. Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isn’t concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth. 

The issues at stake are not trivial. Historically, Billy Graham’s deception is one of the ,,greatest” deceptions that has ever been perpetrated. Some might argue the greatest, making Benedict Arnold, Quisling, and the Trojan Horse pale into insignificance. Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati, All top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers, The Illuminatus will have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers, handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities, lawyers, doctors, etc. A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed Satanic multiples, “Some Satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors whom I have worked with had satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors.” (Dr. Fox, Loreda. The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Salida, CO: Books of Sangre de Cristo, p. 196.) 

Let us repeat what Dr. Loreda Fox said, “Most survivors whom I have worked with had satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors.” She didn’t say “some,” she said MOST. Independently, we have discovered the very same thing. People don’t grasp that just because a preacher can sincerely preach what seems a “perfect sermon,” doesn’t mean that he can’t also be part of the Satanic hierarchy. What is happening with the Illuminati’s ability to create programmed multiples is that we are getting perfect preachers who are secret hierarchy members. Some of their “perfect sermons” are full of slides, such as “the Christian people need to get involved in the voting process. Christians love to hear such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth that the common man’s votes run this nation. VoteScam – So Easy As To Be Laughable

(The subject of election corruption is dealt with in Fritz’s newsletters, etc.) In Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book (which exposed Billy Graham as a Luciferian in 1991), it is explained that high level Satanism is Gnosticism which requires that “the Force” of these great satanic magicians be balanced. In other words, in high level Satanism your good deeds must balance your evil deeds. People do not realize that unless someone does “good” deeds they cannot be a high level Satanist. That is why some of the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national satanists, To see Billy Graham do something commendable does not disqualify him from satanism. In fact, it is a requirement if he’s been part of the Illuminati, such as ex-insiders/witnesses say he was. In fact, it wasn’t until working on this book that an eyewitness to the mind-control abuse of at the hands of Billy Graham offered to help contribute to this section of the book. In other words, an eyewitness helped write this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said, But the eyewitness went further and exposed B.G. crusades’ skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money. Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many areas, but Satanism is avoided. When an SRA case involving multiplicity in Olympia, WA recently happened, the police who investigated the case found that they were treated as international experts in satanism by other policemen. They themselves knew that they knew very little. Where are the experts to teach us about how the Illuminati functions? Where are the experts who know who are in the Illuminati? There is no college open to the public that teaches Advanced Illuminati Studies 401, and gives degrees in Satanism. The expert witnesses are those who have managed to leave the Illuminati and Satanism, and stay alive long enough to talk. But the other side will argue, how can we verify the testimony of your witnesses Fritz? Remember what happened to over 100 people who had some type of knowledge about the Kennedy assassination? Jim Marrs in his book Crossfire on the Kennedy Assassination lists 103 people who were key figures in knowing about the assassination who have died, many in circumstances that indicate assassination. The story we are dealing with here is just as sensitive to the elite as Kennedy’s assassination, because it involves their preparations for the creation of a false Christ, called by Christians the AntiChrist, who will be the master handler/programmer. The LIST OF known & credible WITNESSES If the authors were to call my list of witnesses up to the witness stand–which I can’t for it would be a death sentence to many of them, the list would include:

1 Council of Foreign Relations member, who is secretly against the New World Order 

1 National Security Agency person, who is against the New World Order 

1 CIA high level administrator 2 Satanists, still in covens, but unhappy enough with the situation to talk 4 ex-Satanists, 3 of which are eyewitnesses, all Christians now 2 ex-New Age leaders who worked with the Conspiracy, both became Christians 1 ex-33° Mason, now a Christian Various Christians who have worked with Billy Graham, Pastors, etc. Various therapists working with SRA victims The man who ran Security at the Sacramento Crusade Alice Braemer, a woman who worked as a secretary for Jeanne Dixon

None, except for a couple of exceptions, none of these people knew anything about what the other witnesses (sources) had said. The high degree of validation and collaboration that separate testimony by witnesses who have never seen each other and live in different parts of the country is very powerful. There are several questions that pop up into people’s minds who are not familiar with who Fritz is, and are not familiar with these witnesses. The type of worries some readers could be naturally having might be: But how are we, the readers, to know how accurate these people are? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a reputation for honesty? Could they possibly be giving false information to discredit a great man of God? These kind of questions can be natural questions for people unfamiliar with how this information was obtained. But we assure you, that what we pass on from these eyewitnesses can be relied upon. None of these worries have any substance to them, because the manner in which Fritz came to find out about Billy Graham has generally been while he was researching other things related to the Illuminati. The author has not been out to build a case, the case has built itself from numerous detached witnesses who have nothing to gain by telling what they know. These witnesses have not come to Fritz to feed him bogus information. Just the paper trail on Billy Graham is very revealing in itself. Generally the information of these witnesses has been confided by these witnesses to their trusted friends. Initially, these witness have had no idea that the information they confided in their trusted close associates would go beyond their most trusted friends. These trusted friends then have had permission to let me contact them or find out their information. The reason why these people are believable is that the information they reveal could get them killed, and second, the manner and circumstances of how the information has originally unfolded has never been in any fashion or method that could be construed as an attempt to give false information.

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