BIG PHARMA: How Big Pharma Sells Crystal Meth to Children – By Renaming it ‘Adderall’

Source –, By David Gutierrez – In a recent appearance on All In with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, drug abuse and addiction expert Carl Hart of Columbia University made a shocking claim: There isn’t much difference between the demonized street drug methamphetamine (also known as meth or crystal meth) and the prescription drug Adderall.…

GLADIO: Who Sunk Lusitania and Pushed America to World War I? – By Jonas E. Alexis

Source – – World War I was engineered by the Rothschilds, who used Balfour and Churchill to literally plunder and massacre German civilians and to create a complete disaster in the West: Woodrow Wilson was arguably a warmonger. Arthur S. Link, “a guardian of Wilson’s reputation,” admitted that Wilson laid “the foundation of a…

ABOVE TOP SECRET, ‘EYES ONLY’: Area 51 Whistleblower Bob Lazar Declared Gravity As a Wave…30 years ago

Source – – The media was celebrating this week about the groundbreaking discovery that gravitational waves are real and not just a theory formed by Einstein in the early 1900’s. 30 years ago, Bob Lazar told the press that the propulsion systems he worked on used gravitational waves. It gets more interesting when you…

REALPOLITIK: Why is the USA interested in peace? Russia Has Destroyed the CIA’s Arms Smuggling Operation in Syria

Source – –  No wonder Washington is suing for peace. Let’s cut to the chase: The closing of the Azaz corridor, a major supply artery for the “moderate rebels” in Syria, should be viewed as a crippling military defeat for the United States. As analysts have pointed out, US Secretary of State John Kerry…

CASINO CAPITALISM: How The Clintons Enabled The 2008 Economic Crisis And Financial Coup d’Etat – By Robert Scheer

Source – – The ‘Clinton Bubble’: How Clinton Democrats Fostered the 2008 Economic Crisis: Since the collapse happened on the watch of President George W. Bush at the end of two full terms in office, many in the Democratic Party were only too eager to blame his administration. Yet while Bush did nothing to…

OUR DANCE WITH DESTINY: Tesla’s Alternative World is Here and Now – By Brian Berletic

Source – – US-based electric car company Tesla Motors set out with a goal to usher in an era of electric driven transportation using renewable sources of energy. It was founded in 2003, and 13 years later it looks well on its way toward achieving that goal. Today, supercharger stations crowd a map of…

RETURN TO EDEN: Leisure as the Basis of Culture, The 1948 Manifesto for Reclaiming Our Human Dignity in a Culture of Workaholism

Source – – “Leisure lives on affirmation. It is not the same as the absence of activity … or even as an inner quiet. It is rather like the stillness in the conversation of lovers, which is fed by their oneness:”  We get such a kick out of looking forward to pleasures and rushing…

DAS KAPITAL: Financial Oligarchy vs. Feudal Aristocracy, The Parasitic Nature of Finance Capital – By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh and Anthony A. Gabb

Source – – Under the feudal mode of production, peasants were often allowed to cultivate plots of land for themselves on a rental basis. However, those tenant farmers rarely succeeded in becoming landowners in their own rights because a major share of what they harvested was taken away by landlords as rent, often leaving…

BRAVE NEW WORLD: Your TV Is Watching You – By Jake Anderson

Source – – “Please be aware that if your spoken words include personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party”:  In a troubling new development in the domestic consumer surveillance debate, an investigation into Samsung Smart TVs has revealed that user voice commands…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Venezuela Is Out of Food – Here’s What an Economic Collapse Really Looks Like

Source – – By Venezuela is out of food. After several years of long lines, rationing, and shortages, the socialist country does not have enough food to feed its population, and the opposition government has declared a “nutritional emergency.” This is just the most recent nail in the beleaguered country’s slow, painful economic collapse. Many…

ARCHONS, OVERLORDS & MAGIK: Unleashing The Beast – Aleister Crowley, Tantra and Sex Magic in Late Victorian England – By Hugh Urban

Source – – “If this secret [of sexual magic], which is a scientific secret, were perfectly understood, as it is not by me after more than twelve years’ almost constant study and experiment, there would be nothing which the human imagination can conceive that could not be realized in practice” – Aleister Crowley[1] Aleister…

HIT LIST: President Kennedy and His Brother Robert Kennedy Were Murdered By The Military-Security Complex – By Paul Craig Roberts

Source – – Now, last Wednesday, 48 years later, Paul Shrade has presented ironclad evidence at the parole hearing of the now 71 year old Sirhan Sirhan that Robert Kennedy was shot by someone else from the rear, not from the front where Sirhan Sirhan was standing: Presstitute Media, such as the UK Telegraph,…

DAS KAPITAL: The Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark – By Alex Pietrowsk

Source – – Similar to the end of feudalism hundreds of years ago, is capitalism to be replaced by a new type of social infrastructure and an emergence of a new kind of human being? Many believe that the much-needed shift has already started, as the message that capitalism is not working becomes louder and…

RAINBOW WARRIOR: 3 Ways to Overcome the System and Start Your Own Revolution – By Gary ‘Z’ McGee

Source – – “How does it become a man to behave toward the American government today? I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it. I cannot for an instant recognize that political organization as my government which is the slave’s government also.” ~Henry David Thoreau Here’s the thing: starting a revolution…

COVER-UP: China Harvesting Organs From Thousands Of Political Prisoners While They Are Alive

Source – – The Chinese government is facing public outcry amid fresh allegations that authorities have routinely had the organs of political prisoners illegally, forcibly removed: According to Newsweek, well-respected investigators from all over the world agree that thousands of people have had their organs forcefully extracted, without anesthetic, while held in Chinese prisons.…

COUP D’ETAT: Bush-Wacked, The Attempted Assassination of Ronald Reagan – By Charles Burris (Archive)

Source – – Many observers, including author Roger Stone in his LRC podcast interview with Lew Rockwell today, believe that James Brady was the unfortunate collateral damage of the Bush-engineered assassination attempt on the life of Ronald Reagan. Brady died Monday at a retirement community in Alexandria, VA. He was 73. The medical examiner’s…

KILL THE MESSENGER: The Deep, Dark, Links Between the Bankers and Political Systems of Our Nation

Source – – “Bankers and Presidents with principles of liberty… Like hot sauce on pancakes”:  This is a compilation of connections between assassinations and attempted assassinations of United states Presidents. This report does not even touch on the long list of other Senators, Congressmen and private citizens that have been assassinated or have had…

NEO-CONNED: Empire of Chaos, The Global Reversal of the Social Evolution of Humanity

Source – – Decoding the US Empire of Chaos, The Global Reversal of the Social Evolution of Humanity – By Prof. John McMurtry and Biljana Đorović: The interview (transcript below)  from questions with Prof. John McMurtry was conducted for the 15th Anniversary of “Geopolitika” a journal of geopolitical and cultural analysis in Belgrade which…

REALPOLITIK: Rise of the Russian ‘Bear’, Putin’s Path to the KGB

Source – – Using his unique access to the Kremlin, German journalist Alexander Rahr shares the inside story on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s formative years in Leningrad and his path to the KGB.  Putin never concealed his background. Spiridon, his grandfather on the father’s side, was a cook, but not a regular one. Initially,…

AMERIKA: A Chronological History of the Rise of American Fascism – By R.G Price

Source – – The rise of fascism itself is a complex story, much less the rise of American fascism. Just as understanding the rise of fascism in Europe requires understanding the conditions of the time, so too understanding fascism in America requires understanding the conditions leading up to its transformation into a fascist state.…

UPDATE: First meeting between Pope and Russian Patriarch in 1000 years aimed at Khazarian Mafia – By Benjamin Fulford (2-8-16)

Source – – The first meeting between the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Pope in 1000 years is aimed at cementing an alliance against the Khazarian mob, Russian and Pentagon sources say. This is important because forensic research by this writer has shown the Pentagon ultimately reports to the Roman Empire (as…

DOUBLETHINK: Political Correctness = Language and Thought Control – By Makia Freeman

Source – – (Editor’s Note: …Think Stalinist re-education camps & Mao’s “Little Red Book and you’ll get the picture). Political correctness is a Rothschild invention of language control. Like Orwellian Newspeak in 1984, its ultimate aim is to reduce the scope of free thought. Political correctness is language control. And language control is thought control.…

RESILIENT LIVING: Affordable shipping container village can pop up almost anywhere in the world

Source – – Copenhagen is consistently ranked as one of the world’s most livable cities, but unfortunately not all can afford to live there. Luckily, CPH Shelter is bringing affordable housing to the city in the form of a modular cargotecture village. Built with organic materials and upcycled shipping containers, the eco-friendly CPH Shelters…

REALPOLITIK: The EU-AU Plot for the Plunder of Burundi – By Charles Kambanda

Source –  – “After ruining DRC some multinational corporations and some western governments were able to plunder DRC’s abundant natural resources, including minerals like Tantalum, Uranium and Oil. The multinational corporations believed that it would be a walk over for Kagame to ruin Burundi. However, much to General Kagame and his western sponsors’ surprise,…