SECRET SOCIETIES: The British Occult Secret Service, The Untold Story – By Michael Howard

Source –  – “Since the time of Elizabeth I, British secret services have worked according to the principle of ‘the end justifies the means’. Money, bribery, blackmail – these are their recruitment methods… – Nikolai Patrushev, head of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), October 2007 It is not really surprising that historically occultism…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Meet the Corporations Lobbying Hardest for TTIP and the End of Democracy

Source – – It is quite incredible that the unelected bureaucrats of the EU Commission are even entertaining such an idea as the deeply unpopular TTIP trade deal amid huge citizen protest whilst already facing multiple episodes of social, political and economic unrest and crisis as the demise of the European project gathers pace. The EU is experiencing extensive…

ALTERED STATES: Physicists Examine The Structure Of Time, Reality Could Be An Illusion & ‘Time’ Might Not Exist

Source – – Time: it’s no doubt a confusing topic, and it gets even more confusing the more we try to unearth its secrets. Physicists have been examining the workings of time for decades, and the results published about it are mind-altering to contemplate, to say the least, and show that time might not exist as…

RESILIENT LIVING: Man Invents Sandals That Grow 5 Sizes In 5 Years To Help Children In Poverty – By Julija Nėjė

Source – – Sometimes, the simplest invention can change millions of lives. That’s the goal of The Shoe That Grows, a sandal invented by inventor Kenton Lee that can adjust its size, allowing children in impoverished nations to grow up without having to go barefoot. The shoes, which come in catch-all Small and Large…

CASINO CAPITALISM: The Inside Story of Sheldon Adelson and Casino Money Flooding the Elections – By Matt Isaacs

Source – – It was around 10:30 p.m. when Steve Jacobs rolled down the gravel driveway. The air was warm for early January, even for Florida. Yellow boat lights bobbed on St. Augustine’s harbor, and the scent of star jasmine hung on the breeze. Jacobs stepped onto his porch and found the door still…

COVER-UP: The Notorious Frame-Up of a Native American Activist, The Case of Leonard Peltier – By Cory Johnson (Flashback)

Source – – Earlier this fall, in a downtown Toronto office, a Native American woman recanted her 1976 testimony that served as the basis for extraditing American Indian Movement (AIM) activist Leonard Peltier from Canada to the United States. Peltier had been present on June 26, 1975 near Oglala on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge…

MIND GAMES: Mechanisms of Division and Control, The Biggest Conspiracy Of All – By Max Igan

Source – – “Responding to the call of the Warrior Spirit has nothing to do with the principles of physical battle, warmongering, fighting or being tough. This warrior knows their purpose and stands firm in their truth. This warrior fights for one noble primal reason: love. This warrior has their boots on the ground…

NEO-CONNED: Why Are Neocons So Desperate To Rescue al-Qaeda in Syria? – By Daniel McAdams

Source – – Reading Dennis Ross and David Ignatius is a good reminder that the neocons live in a different world than the rest of us. They do not conform their analysis to reality, but rather they conform reality to their view of the world. Where most people would be encouraged to read that…

UPDATE: “Crunch time is coming to choose either collapse, chaos and bloodshed or reboot and renaissance” – By Benjamin Fulford (2-15-16)

Source – – Events continue to unfold at a blistering pace as the post-war world order continues its collapse while the fight over what to replace it with rages on. The biggest happening was the first meeting between a Pope and a Russian Orthodox Patriarch in 962 years. The weirdest thing about this event…

REALPOLITIK: The “500 Year War”, The North American Indian Holocaust (Archive)

Source – – The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the “World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind And Loss Of Human Lives.” Genocide and Denying It: Why We Are Not Taught that the Natives of the United States and Canada were Exterminated Death Toll: 95,000,000 to 114,000,000 American…

REALPOLITIK: Confused by the Bloody War in Syria? Here’s the WhoWhatWhy – By Victor Kotsev

Source – – The announcement late Thursday of an agreement on a “cessation of hostilities” between the Syrian government and rebels confused many people, including some of the diplomats who negotiated and  told the BBC anonymously that “it’s not worth the paper it’s printed on.” The confusion is understandable, as there has been a…

BANKING CARTEL: Fed President and Assistant Treasury Secretary Says What Everyone Knows – We Need to Break Up the Big Banks

Source –  – The President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis – who oversaw the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability (Neel Kashkari) – says that the nation’s biggest banks remain too big to fail and pose significant risk to the economy Kashkari joins the…

CORPRO-FASCISM: Cogs in the Machinery of Corporate Power, Why Flint’s Crisis Is About More Than Water – By Chris Hedges

Source – – “The thousands of Michigan children who were knowingly poisoned were victims of an American moral malaise: Our nation has bred generations of bureaucrats who are blind to values other than self-advancement and profit”:  What is in the mind of someone who knowingly poisons children and impairs their lives? Why did the…

NARCO-POLITIK: Project Frankenstein, Fake Islamists, Heroin & The CIA – By Dean Henderson

Source – – The Wall Street Journal reported awhile back that the Syrian government had reversed a ban on women teachers wearing Islamic face cover in the classroom. The concession to Western-backed Islamist protesters was instructive, since the secular socialist Assad government is clearly in the cross-hairs of City of London bankers attempting to…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: Redgate, The Small Montana Town That Hides A Big Secret

Source – – The new documentary by Lynda Cowen and Jim Marrs, The Secret of Redgate, is a remarkable project that seamlessly integrates eye-witness testimony, hypnotherapy, polygraph tests, and remote viewing into a riveting description of what many believe is an entire community’s long-term interaction with extraterrestrial life:  The Secret of Redgate is much…

BRAVE NEW WORLD: Scientists successfully 3D print a functioning human ear

Source – Scientists have successfully printed a functional human ear that is ready for transplanting. This remarkable achievement was made possible by the recently debuted Integrated Tissue and Organ Printing System (ITOP) designed by a research team led by Anthony Atala from Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine to replace damaged or missing body parts. The…

WITH CRIMINAL INTENT: The Mystery of the ‘One Bank’, A Super-Entity Comprised of 144 Corporate Fronts – By Jeff Nielson

Source – – “The One Bank is a crime syndicate which is literally a blight against all humanity. Its owners are guilty of the worst crimes-against-humanity. And, ultimately, as the One Bank strips humanity bare of all its wealth, these Owners make it harder and harder for themselves to continue to hide”:  Roughly 2 ½…

VOODOO ECONOMICS: Prophets to Profits, The Corporate Takeover of Spirituality – By Vida Norris

Source – – The self-help and “mind-body-spirit” scenes are billion dollar industries, but how has the commodification of spirituality affected our ability to practice it? As sacred principles are co-opted and watered down to sell feel-good mass-market products, those unwilling to sellout spiritual principles are pushed further to the margins – where they are increasingly maligned…

CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE: Whistleblower about to ‘lift lid on 1000s of UFO files’ – is GENUINE, says ex-MoD man

Source – – A FORMER US Naval officer who claims his secrecy agreement with the American Government has expired is vowing to lift the lid on thousands of top-secret UFO files he claims to have seen: The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at the Naval Telecommunications Center within NAS Moffett…

MIND GAMES: Researchers Demonstrate Mind Control Is Possible Via Electromagnetic Impulses

Source – – The Daily Express is reporting today that scientists are using electromagnets to literally alter (and thus control) people’s thoughts and beliefs. Before we start talking about how this technology isn’t new, here’s the gist: A bizarre experiment claims to be able to make Christians no longer believe in God and make Britons…

REALPOLITIK: Lords of War Playing Brinkmanship Game in Syria – By Baher Kamal

Source – – When 25 million Syrians–half of them refugees abroad or at home and the other half terrorised by daily bombing, learnt that major world leaders in their meeting in Germany launched an unprecedented confrontation threatening with unleashing World War III, instead of easily agreeing on a ceasefire to alleviate their inhumane suffering,…

BIG BROTHER: 2016, The Year We Realized It’s 1984 – By Phil Butler

Source – – The state of most media today is sad, pitiful, and hopelessly unbelievable. From BBC to the New York Times, any semblance of believability is gone. What makes matters worse though, are what amount to popularity factions in social media. The information world has never been so polarized, while the public sinks…